Ask Yourself These 10 Time Management Questions Today

Each day, we jump back into the hustle and bustle that is our lives.

We focus so much on getting things done, that we often forget to question what we are doing in the first place.

As you head into your day, here are some time management questions to ask yourself…

Ready or Not?

Many people take time management for granted.

They try to turn it on when there is a crisis, and let is go when things are quiet.

However, if you aren’t conscious about your actions and aware of your surroundings, then you are simply flying by the seat of your pants.

“Those who aren’t prepared… are driving down the highway of life with a blindfold on.”

Are you ready for your day?

Here Are 10 Time Management Questions to Ask Yourself Today:

  1. What Am I Going to Do Today? – Have you planned your day? Do you know where you are headed before you leave the house? Take a few minutes to review your calendar and appointments. Knowing where you are going (and when) prevents lots of crises down the road.
  2. What Do I Need to Do Today? – Are you doing whatever task comes your way first? Or do you have a view of your prioritized tasks, so that you can do what is most important? Review your todo list before jumping into your work.
  3. Am I Ready For My Day? – Knowing what you need to do is good, being prepared for it is even better. Make sure you have done your homework. A few minutes of preparation before that meeting or task can make all the difference.
  4. What Are My Long Term Goals? – Do you have long-term goals? Are they written down? If you don’t, then you are simply going where life is taking you. Instead, make a choice and make your own path.
  5. What Am I Not Going to Get Done? – There is something that you need to do today that will not get done. You will forget or you will not have the time. Take a moment to identify that important task, no matter how small it is. It could be to make a doctor appointment, or to pick something up on the way home. Make the time to do it.
  6. What Did I Promise Someone Else I Would Do Today? – We often tell others we are going to do something. And then we don’t. Or we forget. Do you make promises that you don’t keep? What do you need to do today for someone?
  7. What Will I Do To Take Care of Myself Today? – You can’t always run at 100%. You have to take care of yourself. Make sure you spend some time on yourself, whether it is to exercise or simply make a few minutes for your hobby.
  8. Who Do I Need to Spend Some Time With Today? – Too often, we get so wrapped up in our tasks or our busy schedules, that we overlook the people that we need to give attention to. Is it a team member that needs help? Or a family member that needs some one-on-one time?
  9. What Did I Do Today? – At the end of the day, take a moment to review what you accomplished. Keeping a journal is a great way to do this. It just feels good and it lets you review your progress. It also provides a great life document for yourself or others to read someday.
  10. Am I Happy With What I Did Today? – After you have reviewed what you did today, ask yourself, “Am I happy with that?” Are you doing what you want to do in life? Sometimes we are so busy going through the motions, that we don’t realize that we have a choice. It’s up to you what you do with your life each day. Choose wisely.

What About You?

As you charge into your day, ask yourself this list of questions.

You might just be surprised by some of your answers.

Question: What do you need to ask yourself today?

8 thoughts on “Ask Yourself These 10 Time Management Questions Today

  1. Good solid tips. #7 especially which we often forget!  Online to-do list tools like Remember the Milk/Wunderlist are excellent ways to keep prepared and manage priorities. I like that you’ve also mentioned that evaluation is key – helps become aware and iterate as needed, in order to get better!

  2. Craig,

    Great tips!

    There is also one question that I like to ask myself (taught by Richard Koch in “Living the 80/20 Way”): “Habitually asking yourself how to get more with less”.


  3. Hi Craig, great questions these that could also help motivate you to get more things done and limit wasted time when working. The entire question that you have mention was great but for me #3 is very essential. I could not go to work unprepared, which will make me unproductive. Preparation helps my work day a lot easier with less wasted time. That’s why I use this tool called Timedoctor that I use to list my entire tasks, organize it depends on priority level. Then, set an estimated amount of time when working on each tasks. However, all of this won’t be very effective without self discipline. This is how I keep myself productive and stay focus on tasks.

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