5 Reasons Not to Be Afraid to Change Course

The other day, I was talking with an individual who was trying to make a change in their life.

He wanted to accomplish goals that he had not previously, and expressed frustration with his lack of progress. He was particularly critical of his current job and where it was taking him.

When I suggested that he might need to change his course, and maybe even his job, he immediately came up with many reasons why he could not.

– It was too hard

– It would take too long

– It might cost him money

– He did not know how to make a change

I heard him out, and then reminded him,

“If you stay on your current track, you will end up where you are currently headed.”

When was the last time that you decided to change the course you were on?

Stuck on the Same Track

Many of us are stuck in the same groove. We have been traveling on the same set of tracks for so long, we aren’t even aware of other options.

This happens in our jobs. And it our personal lives, too.

Have you been on the same track for too long? Do you need to make a change, but are nervous about doing it?

You worry about the the unknown and the difficulties associated with making a change. You think about how comfortable you are in your current situation.

“You may be comfortable on your current track, but is it taking you where you want to go?

If not, it’s time for a change of course. The sooner, the better.”

It amazes me how many people stay on the same course, and hope it will take them somewhere else in life.

If you stay on the same track… you will only go further in the same direction.

When To Change Tracks

How do you know when it is time to make a change in direction? And how do you overcome your doubts and fears?

There is not one simple answer.

Ultimately, only you can decide that it is time to make that change.

However, there are many signs and omens along the way that are indicative that it may be time to look at alternatives to your current course.

Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Changing Your Path:

  1. What You Are Doing Isn’t Working – As the saying goes, “Do what you have always done, and you will get what you have always gotten.” I see individuals and companies who keep doing the same thing for years and yet are puzzled why they are not getting anywhere. (Why isn’t that book getting written? Why aren’t our sales going up?) If you want different results, you need different actions.
  2. You Are Too Comfortable – Many people fall into the “I’m too comfortable” trap. They stay in their current course because it is easy. After all, it is hard to switch jobs. Hard to change one’s lifestyle. Hard to learn new skills. So, instead, they take the easy path and convince themselves that their current situation is not that bad.
  3. You Are Headed For the Rocks – This one falls under “too stubborn to change,” even when disaster is apparent. Even when failure is obvious, or already happening, this individual stays the course. They are determined to finish what they started even if it destroys them. This can be either personal or professional. I have witnessed many people destroy their careers because they were too stubborn to change their course.
  4. Priorities Have Changed – Sometimes it is time to change course because the desired destination has changed. Seems obvious, right? This happens a lot with small businesses. They try to set annual goals, yet they do not know where they will be in 3 months. I am not saying you shouldn’t have long term goals, but rather that you need to be flexible and nimble when your goals are changing. When your desired outcomes shift, you have to shift your course, too.
  5. Because You Have Invested Time or Money – Beware the “sunk cost,” whether it is time or money. Too often people will resist changing course because they feel that they have too much invested in their current path. This can be true, but sometimes you have to take a forward looking view. Otherwise, you may create your own “headed for the rocks” scenario. (See above).  Companies do this too, sticking to a course or strategy due to the time or money invested. Often it takes new leadership to right the course in situations like this and to undo the political decisions of the past.

Time For a Change

Are you getting what you have always gotten? Is it time for a change?

Only you can make that call.

However, the longer you wait to make that choice… the longer you are travelling in the wrong direction.

Weigh your options. Look at the alternatives. Then make a decision.

And choose the course that takes you in the direction you want to be going.

When did you make a big decision about the course you were taking?

25 thoughts on “5 Reasons Not to Be Afraid to Change Course

  1. This post came at the right time. It is time to change my business niche. I have been getting the same results for far too long, and I have been telling the same story for too long. I am sick of this story, and it’s time for a change. I just can’t decide if it should be a minor shift from moms to mom entrepreneurs or a radical shift from moms to something totally different that has nothing at all to do with moms. I wonder how you know if the course should shift slightly to the left or radically to the right?

  2. This post came at the right time. It is time to change my business niche. I have been getting the same results for far too long, and I have been telling the same story for too long. I am sick of this story, and it’s time for a change. I just can’t decide if it should be a minor shift from moms to mom entrepreneurs or a radical shift from moms to something totally different that has nothing at all to do with moms. I wonder how you know if the course should shift slightly to the left or radically to the right?

  3. I recently made a change of my own. My priorities changed completely last summer when my daughter was born. I decided to start my own business earlier this year so that I could have some freedom to set my own schedule. I really enjoyed this article, it came as a great encouragement.

    Dennis Edmondson Jr

    Computing Concepts LLC


    1. @ComConcepts Thanks, Dennis.

      It is amazing how life changes can make us aware of other options and paths.

      Best wishes with your business!

  4. I recently made a change of my own. My priorities changed completely last summer when my daughter was born. I decided to start my own business earlier this year so that I could have some freedom to set my own schedule. I really enjoyed this article, it came as a great encouragement.

    Dennis Edmondson Jr

    Computing Concepts LLC


  5. Yes…change is sometimes tough. But…sometimes it’s the only thing that makes sense. Funny how we all get in our ruts. Great post. Thanks for the insight.

  6. Yes…change is sometimes tough. But…sometimes it’s the only thing that makes sense. Funny how we all get in our ruts. Great post. Thanks for the insight.

  7. Excellent post. This goes hand-in-hand with your post from the other day that asked what our biggest obstacle is in accompishing something that we want to do. Trimming the fat isn’t easy or else everyone would do it. It is tough to make major changes that get you on the road to accomplishing something you really WANT to get done. Change is hard. Standing still is easy and comfortable. But, as the saying goes, if you keep doing what you’ve been doing you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting. If you aren’t happy with what you are getting you have to change what you are doing.

    Keep up the great material!

    1. @RossDenton Thanks, Ross.

      Agree with you. Change is never easy. However, it is scary when individuals (or companies) make excuses for the status quo.

      Change for change sake is not always the answer either… but being aware of the options and always trying to improve are key.

  8. Excellent post. This goes hand-in-hand with your post from the other day that asked what our biggest obstacle is in accompishing something that we want to do. Trimming the fat isn’t easy or else everyone would do it. It is tough to make major changes that get you on the road to accomplishing something you really WANT to get done. Change is hard. Standing still is easy and comfortable. But, as the saying goes, if you keep doing what you’ve been doing you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting. If you aren’t happy with what you are getting you have to change what you are doing.

    Keep up the great material!

  9. This post is very timely – recent events have caused me to reconsider my career and the universe confirms by continuing to put posts like this in my path.

    1. @dlockert Sometimes is takes an event in our career (or life)… to make us aware that there ARE other paths. 🙂 Best wishes.

  10. This post is very timely…realizing it is time for a change and the universe around me keep confirming that by putting posts like this in my path 🙂

  11. This post is very timely – recent events have caused me to reconsider my career and the universe confirms by continuing to put posts like this in my path.

  12. @dlockert Sometimes is takes an event in our career (or life)… to make us aware that there ARE other paths. 🙂 Best wishes.

  13. @RossDenton Thanks, Ross.

    Agree with you. Change is never easy. However, it is scary when individuals (or companies) make excuses for the status quo.

    Change for change sake is not always the answer either… but being aware of the options and always trying to improve are key.

  14. @ComConcepts Thanks, Dennis.

    It is amazing how life changes can make us aware of other options and paths.

    Best wishes with your business!

  15. Very succinctly and impact-fully expressed! In our personal life as with our organizations, we are constantly needing to re-invent ourselves.

  16. Very succinctly and impact-fully expressed! In our personal life as with our organizations, we are constantly needing to re-invent ourselves.

  17. Reason #4 is especially difficult! Learning to let go of goals that no longer fit my priorities is one of the biggest challenges I’m facing at the moment.

    I’m getting there, little by little, but it’s really taking some mindset shifting to change the course.

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